
Artist Description

林品玄團隊  Rick Lin and team

⻄元1990年,‘跨政府氣候轉變 委員會’ (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC)在年度的報告中引入’全球變暖潛能’的概念。開始提出全球暖化的說法。

提到全球暖化(Global Warming)第⼀件想到的事情是什麼呢? 是臺灣夏⽇不斷破紀錄的燠熱⾼溫?是⽇夜不停運轉的冷氣?還是北極圈裡北極熊抱著逐漸消 融的冰⼭在海⾯上漂流的畫⾯? 我們想傳達我們對全球暖化的憂慮。真正冰⼭的變化速度是相對緩慢的。為了讓我們真切的 感受冰⼭的融化,透過程式語⾔運算,我們加速冰⼭變化的時間序列,即時3D成像,時時 取得你家天氣溫度來改變冰⼭的⼤⼩,天氣熱,冰⼭融化,天氣冷,冰⼭長⼤。 畫⾯也會隨著不同的時間變化不同的⾊彩。隨機出現的⿂群聚集到這片⽔域爭先恐後地覓 食。冰⼭上有⼀隻北極熊,悠閒的在冰上棲息。當氣溫炎熱到⼀個程度以上,冰⼭會變得很 ⼩,⼩到連北極熊都必須悲傷地站在⽔裡。 隨著你家窗外的風,冰⼭會慢慢的飄向畫⾯不同的位置。 背後的天空也會隨著空氣PM2.5的品質好壞時⽽清澈,時⽽模糊。 但當空氣變得非常糟,畫⾯裡的⽣物也會靜悄悄的躲起來。 天空偶⽽會飄起雪來,告訴我們,外⾯快下雨(濕度)了。 全球暖化現象越來越嚴重了,你不相信?我把冰⼭送到你家。

The iceberg

In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) introduced the concept of ‘global warming potential’ in its annual report, which started to put forward the idea of global warming.When it comes to global warming, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? The scorching hot summer that keeps breaking the meteorological record? Or 24/7 air-conditioned space which makes you never wanna go out to face the killing heat? Or the picture of polar bears floating in the ocean holding the melting icebergs in the Arctic?We want to transfer our concerns about global warming in an unadorned way, by delivering the iceberg to your home. The programming system will instantly receive the data of your area’s tem-perature, wind, air quality and humidity at any time and turn it into real-time 3D image.Randomly occurring schools of fish gather in this water area looking for food. There is a polar bear enjoying its leisure time on the ice. When the tempera-ture is high to a certain extent, the iceberg will melt to a small size, so even the polar bear has to stand sadly in the water.Global warming has been regarded as a crisis and a climate emergency. I would like to remind you of this issue through the work always.


作品呈現 (the information)

processing 3D computing on Embedded system

數據引⽤:機器所在地即時環境資訊 (Real-time local environment data)1. 氣溫 (Temperature)=>冰⼭⼤⼩變化 (the size of the iceberg)2. 濕度 (Humility) =>濕度過⾼,天空會飄雪 (Snow)3. PM2.5=>空氣品質過糟,畫⾯會由藍轉灰 ( The color of the screen between blue and grey)4. 風速=>冰⼭漂移 (Location of the iceberg)5. 冰⼭會依照螢幕⼤⼩及橫直向,⾃⾏調整畫⾯比例。 (Fit screen automatically) 6. 可⼿動選擇全球主要城市接收環境資訊。(Select the city manually)作品創作/執⾏ ( Creation/ Execution)藝數網團隊 (YIIiSU Co., Ltd)