對社會環境意識極為關注的義大利藝術家Willy VERGINER,以壓克力顏料為溫暖質調的菩提木雕刻繪上搶眼色彩,呈現強烈的飄浮感與重心的完美平衡。雕塑們以一種動作中止的姿態矗立,彷彿時間停格,引領思緒感受不同的體感形象。Willy VERGINER 的創作主題多為青少年與孩童,許是為了凍結、保存生命最充滿生氣的時刻。有人說,觀看其作品似乎是在「目睹一堂詩意的氣功課(Poetic Chinese Qi-Gung Class),或是走進了優雅版梅杜莎的雕像後園(Medusa’s Den)。」其重要展歷包含比利時拉盧維耶爾博物館(Musée Ianchelevici – MiLL)、義大利利索博物館(Museum of Contemporary Art, Lissone),更數度受邀在威尼斯雙年展等全球聞名的藝術盛會中展出。
Willy VERGINER carves his masterpieces out of lime tree wood and covers them with detail-less tint areas of acrylic paint and gold. Live and works in Ortisei, Italy, Willy VERGINER’s fascinating sculptures has been exhibited in the Musée Ianchelevici – MiLL, Museum of Contemporary Art, Lissone, and La Biennale di Venezia and more art world’s hub museums around globe. Each piece from Willy VERGINER is extremely realistic, almost creating an illusion of body painting of living statue, ready to come to life. Touching or viewing, they leave no one indifferent. The sculptures gestures are elegant and their poise is calling to serenity, whilst avoiding the sensation of inertness: people could easily envision that they are witnessing a Qigong class or a poetic version of the neighborhood of Medusa’s den.
Artist Description
尺寸:119 x 60 x 40 cm
Artist_Willy VERGINER\
Work Title_Badende
Size_119 x 60 x 40 cm
Medium_Acrylic on basswood
Year: 2016
尺寸:100x 280x 30cm
Work Title: Schatten im Wasser
Size: 100x 280x 30cm
Medium: Acrylic on lindenwood
Year: 2016